Reasons to get beaten in old days

Reasons to get beaten in old days

Children Of Today Don't Even Know That
In Our Days You Could Be Beaten
For Any Of The Following Reason

1. Crying too long after being beaten
2. Not crying after being beaten
3. Crying without being beaten
4. Standing where elders are sitting
5. Sitting while elders are standing
6. Walking around aimlessly where elders are seated
7. Eating food prepared for visitors
8. Refusing to eat
9. Coming back home after sunset
10. Eating at the neighbour's home
11. Generally being too moody
12. Generally being too excited
13. Losing a fight with older age mate
14. Winning a fight with your age mate
15. Eating too slowly
16. Eating too quickly
17. Eating too much
18. Not finishing your food
19. Finishing your food and scraping your plate
20. Eating and talking
21. Sleeping while the elders in the house have already woken up
22. Looking at the visitors while they are eating
23. Stumbling and falling when walking
24. Looking at an elder eye ball to eye ball
25. When an elder is talking to you and you blink
26. When an elder is talking to you and you stare and not blink
27. When you look at an elder through the corner of your eye
28. When your mates are playing street football and you join them
29. When your mates are playing and you don’t join them
30. When you don't wash your dish after eating
31. When you wash your dish improperly
32. When you almost break your dish
33. When you break your dish
34. When you bite your nails.
35. When you don't bath๐Ÿ›€.
36. When you bath๐Ÿ›€ too quickly
37. When you take too long to bath๐Ÿ›€.
38. When you’re beaten in school for misbehaving
39. When a car almost knocks you down
40. When a car knocks you down and you don’t die!
41. For not answering when spoken to
42. For answering back when spoken to.
43. Beaten for going to Temple late.
44. Beaten for borrowing shoe/wears from friends.
45. When you don't like the dress chosen by mother
46. When you finally select the same dress chosen by her๐Ÿ˜ช
47. When you write the same ambiguous answers as suggested by teachers
48. When you write the correct answer instead of teacher's wrong notes
49. When the parents have a fight or there is something between elders in the house
50. Beaten for no reason

Some of these reasons for beating a child may appear far-fetched today but they sure did happen and they were the norm that shaped the adults of today.
Kudos to Indian parents.